Package-level declarations


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inline fun <T> Validatable<Iterable<T>?>.each(block: Validatable<T>.() -> Unit)

Iterates over each element of this object and wraps them with a Validatable before passing them to the block.

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Returns the first element, wrapped in Validatable.

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operator fun <T> Validatable<Array<T>?>.get(index: Int): Validatable<T?>
operator fun <K, V> Validatable<Map<K, V>?>.get(index: K): Validatable<V?>

operator fun <T> Validatable<List<T>?>.get(index: Int): Validatable<T?>

Returns the element at the specified index in the list, wrapped in a Validatable.

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Returns an iterator over the elements of this object. Each element is wrapped with a Validatable.

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Returns the last element, wrapped in Validatable.