Package-level declarations


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class Validatable<out T>
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inline fun <T, R> Validatable<T>.map(transform: (T) -> R): Validatable<R>

Returns a Validatable wrapping the result of the given transform function. The latter is applied to the wrapped value of the Validatable receiver.

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@JvmName(name = "nullableValidatableOfFunction")
fun <T, V> Validatable<T>.validatableOf(getter: (T & Any) -> V): Validatable<V?>
@JvmName(name = "nullableValidatableOfProperty")
fun <T, V> Validatable<T>.validatableOf(getter: KProperty1<T & Any, V>): Validatable<V?>
fun <T : Any, V> Validatable<T>.validatableOf(getter: (T) -> V): Validatable<V>