
inline fun <ContextType, ValueType : Any> RequestValidationConfig.registerValidator(validator: Validator.Runner.WithContext<ContextType, ValueType>, noinline contextProvider: suspend () -> ContextType)
inline fun <ContextType, ValueType : Any> RequestValidationConfig.registerValidator(validator: Validator.SuspendableRunner.WithContext<ContextType, ValueType>, noinline contextProvider: suspend () -> ContextType)

Registers a new validator, which will be executed for each received request body. The contextProvider is called on each execution, then its result is feed to the validator.

inline fun <ValueType : Any> RequestValidationConfig.registerValidator(validator: Validator.Runner<ValueType>)
inline fun <ValueType : Any> RequestValidationConfig.registerValidator(validator: Validator.SuspendableRunner<ValueType>)

Registers a new validator, which will be executed for each received request body.