Akkurate 0.11.0 Help

Ktor Server

Ktor Server is a framework for building asynchronous server-side applications. Akkurate provides an integration to automatically validate incoming data.

A code example of the Ktor Server integration, used to showcase Akkurate on social networks.


Before using Akkurate with Ktor, you need to add the following dependency to your Gradle script:

Add the Akkurate plugin for Ktor


    Validate on receive

    Take the following route that deserializes the body to a Book instance:

    routing { post("/books") { val book = call.receive<Book>() call.respond(book.title) } }

    We want to make sure the book title is always filled. Here's the data class and its validator:

    @Validate @Serializable data class Book(val title: String) val validateBook = Validator<Book> { title.isNotEmpty() }

    Register this validator in your Ktor configuration:

    install(Akkurate) install(ContentNegotiation) { json() } install(RequestValidation) { registerValidator(validateBook) }

    When deserializing the request body, the Book instance is automatically validated:

    curl -v \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{"title": ""}'
    // HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity // Content-Type: application/problem+json { "status": 422, "fields": [ { "message": "Must not be empty", "path": "title" } ], "type": "https://akkurate.dev/validation-error", "title": "The payload is invalid", "detail": "The payload has been successfully parsed, but the server is unable to accept it due to validation errors." }

    Customize the response

    A default response, based on the RFC 9457 (Problem Details for HTTP APIs), is returned when the validation fails.

    You can customize its status and Content-Type header:

    install(Akkurate) { status = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest contentType = ContentType.Application.Json }

    If you need a different payload, you can override the whole response builder:

    install(Akkurate) { buildResponse { call, violations -> call.respond( HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, violations.byPath.toString() ) } }
    Last modified: 27 January 2025